Female car insurance quote in a moment
If you want a female car insurance quote then you’re in the right place! We are one of the top online car insurance providers specialising in car insurance for women. We don’t fund male drivers who are statistically proven to be more dangerous behind the wheel, although you can have a male named driver on your policy. We know that you don’t want to spend hours getting your car insurance, trawling through hundreds of websites, filling in forms; so we have made it easy for you. Our form is quick and easy to fill in and you’ll get a quote in minutes.
Why are we such good value?
We strive to offer the best value female car insurance quote around by using telematics technology to offer an innovative female car insurance product. Plus, we have cut back on some of our own overheads in an attempt to make you savings. We are an internet only company so can avoid the costs associated with having a high street branch and we don’t operate a large call centre. All these savings go straight back into your pocket.
Accident advice
If you are unlucky enough to be involved in a car accident then you may not know which way to turn. Take a look at our accident advice links above for information about what to do after the accident, making a car insurance claim and how to make a compensation claim.
Getting a female car insurance quote
Getting your car insurance quote is simple. You won’t have to fill in a long form and we won’t keep you waiting for ages before we give you your quote. If you want to give us a call, don’t hesitate, you can ask our friendly team any questions you might have about your car insurance for women. Call now on 0333 123 1308, we’re here to help.
Why delay, get a female car insurance quote now.

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Images used on this page are for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted in the content is a model.
Covergirl is a trading style of Insure The Box Limited which is authorised by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (registered number: FSC01082B) and also, authorised and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Services Authority (registered number: 519450). Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the Financial Services Authority are available from us on request, or can be found on the Financial Services Authority website at www.fsa.gov.uk/register/
Certain administration and claims functions are carried out on behalf of Insure The Box Limited by ITB Services Limited in the UK.
Insure The Box Limited and ITB Services Limited are wholly owned subsidiaries of Box Innovation Limited which is incorporated in Gibraltar (Company Number: 102344) registered office: Montagu Pavilion, 8-10 Queensway, Gibraltar. Insure The Box Limited is incorporated in Gibraltar (Company Number: 102568) registered office: Montagu Pavilion, 8-10 Queensway, Gibraltar. ITB Services Limited is incorporated in the United Kingdom (Company Number: 6770929) registered office: 30 City Road, London EC1Y 2AB.
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